[Salon] How Not to Stop the War? Demonize the Russians.

How Not to Stop the War? Demonize the Russians.
By Patrick N. Theros - March 27, 2022

We are rapidly losing perspective on the war in the Ukraine. Do we really want to end the war and stop the suffering of the Ukrainian people, or do we want to destroy Russia? Demonizing Russia, filling the airwaves with exaggerated rhetoric about atrocities and calling for Putin and his henchmen to face the gibbet would appear to leave us no morally acceptable choice than the destruction of Russia. Every newspaper headline and every breathless TV anchor describes every action by the Russian Army a war crime or even genocide. The media and our politicians have created an atmosphere that will make it impossible for Ukrainian President Zelensky to negotiate peace; agreeing to anything less than the unconditional surrender of the Russian federation and the arrest and execution of Vladimir Putin will subject Zelensky to accusations of treacherous surrender.

If diplomacy is to work, if we are to help the Ukrainians successfully defend their country and salvage peace before thousands more die, we need to get a grip.  Sometimes it appears that  the Cold War rewired our DNA to regard the Russians as our implacable eternal enemy, a dangerous  microbe to be eradicated. Otherwise, why did we ignore the advice of our last best foreign policy-oriented President, George H. W. Bush, and his awe-inspiring Secretary of State James Baker, to give the Russians breathing space, avoid triumphalism and keep NATO from expanding into the old Soviet space? All the succeeding US administrations became cheerleaders for pushing NATO ever closer to Moscow, ignoring the commitments made  by our 41st President that if Russia agreed to the reunification of Germany, NATO would not move “one inch” eastwards. Granted, consistency has never characterized American foreign policy. Within a few years we discarded the institutions put in place to tether Russia to Europe, such as the Partnership for Peace, and soon made it absolutely clear that Russia would remain forever outside. We ignored the lesson of the European Union, conceived  as an effort to tie Germany, the perennial aggressor, into the fabric of the continent so tightly that it would no longer threaten anyone. To add insult to injury, Margaret Thatcher called Russia “Upper Volta with rockets,” a phrase Joe Biden unhappily repeated a few decades later.  Other  American politicians called Russia a ‘minor regional power” implying that country had no voice  nor agency in events affecting its security. But playground insults as foreign policy? Seriously?

Make no mistake, Putin has dangerously miscalculated and kicked off a war that will badly damage Russia. The trick is to stop the war before it badly damages the rest of the world.  Destroying Russia economically will harm us as well – nor can we ignore the fact that this is the closest we have been to nuclear war since Cuba and 1961.  Finally, we must prepare for the post-war, something that we are not very good at doing.  Zelensky has proven himself a real leader, inspiring his people to fight the Russians to a standstill and create an environment for negotiations. He has also shown that he understands what it  takes to end the war on terms acceptable to Ukraine’s interests. He knows that those terms will almost certainly include some concessions. Putin needs to survive as well, no matter what our atavistic desire to see him dangling for a noose as a war criminal. Zelensky’s job will be to reduce those concessions to the minimum. That minimum will come out in the negotiations. Stirring up hatred and outrage does not help.

Given Russia’s track record brutalizing civilian populations in Chechnya and Syria, one can excuse pundits who expected the same in Ukraine. In point of fact – and despite the headlines – Russian forces have conducted the war in a relatively restrained fashion. No country, including ours, has ever conducted a war without innocent civilians dying in droves. Even precision guided munitions are not scalpels, particularly when we do not know what we are shooting at. Have we forgotten our “righteous strike” at Kabul Airport last August?  Ask the Iraqis, the Afghans, the Yemenis, and the Lebanese, among others, what happens when the US or its allies apply overwhelming firepower to civilian targets.  Predictions by pundits and politicians that Russia will replicate the destruction of Grozny, Chechnya’s capital or initiate chemical warfare, inflames sentiments for no good reason; doing so makes no sense and offers no real military advantage. I suspect that racism motivates Russian restraint. Slaughtering Ukrainians whom they believe to be their close cousins, might destroy troop morale.  Racism also explains why Europe and the US have already welcomed two million Ukrainians (and more to come) fleeing their country with open arms while trying to slam the door on far fewer Syrians and Iraqis. Without doubt civilians have suffered deeply but nothing that I have seen in the current fighting compares to what I and many of my former colleagues have seen in previous wars. Comparing the Russian Army to the Waffen SS may make good headlines but (1) makes rational consideration of how to end the war impossible, and (2) is, frankly, dead wrong.

The Ukrainians surprised the Russians, and us, with their skill and determination. They have exploited Putin’s initial mistakes and with adequate resupply and support will probably fight the Russians to a standstill, the functional equivalent of a Russian defeat.  Zelensky will have an advantage and he has demonstrated he knows how to use it. He has already conceded NATO membership, a relatively minor concession compared to Ukraine’s other needs. He knows Russian redlines far better than we do.  He needs our support to fight the war and he will absolutely need our support when he negotiates the end of the war. We should not get in his way.

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